I started my broadcast career on the radio – talking nineteen to the dozen (one of my mum’s expressions!) hosting late night phone-ins on LBC and BBC London. In its many and varied forms radio is my favourite medium. In a cheeky overlap with my PhD research, recently I have made several radio documentaries for BBC Radio 4 which focused on Romania including the 30th Anniversary of Romania’s Revolution and an exploration of Romanians in the UK (who are now our 2nd largest foreign nationality and even include my gynaecologist – yes of course he featured in my documentary!)
I love the freedom of podcasts! Over the last 5 years I think most of the women in The Bletchley Girls and The Century Girls have appeared with me in various different podcasts including the extended BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour one. Lots of my Radio 4 documentaries get a real chance to breathe in the longer podcast format .. and I’ve just discovered the History Extra podcast…. where better to talk about the 100th anniversary of GCHQ. Yes of course I want to host my own podcast, just need to find the wriggle room…